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Steve Farkas
Verified Purchase
"My knees used to hurt and they don't anymore. It's really helped me."
George N.
Verified Purchase
“MI believe in the product or I wouldn't still be taking it. I've referred Lurosil to many other people. A few I know have taken it and gotten results with it.”
Claudia R.
Verified Purchase
“I have nerve and joint damage. I've tried other options and Lurosil works better than anything. I wish more doctors would recommend this product so I would have known about it sooner. I just recently got a gym membership for the first time and it's only d."

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Darryl Mueller
Verified Purchase
"It helps my eyes see better.* I enjoy talking it when I shoot."
David Woodford
Verified Purchase
“My eye exams are good. My eyes haven’t gotten worse in 10 years. It helps me focus.*”
Steve Smith
Verified Purchase
“My vision acuity has improved. I’m reading at 20/13 at age 64. I notice a difference when I’m not taking vs when I am."